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Tū Mai Taonga looks to bring workers home


Updated: May 16, 2023

The Tū Mai Taonga project is hosting a recruitment workshop in Auckland next month to assist Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea whānau who are seeking secure and meaningful conservation work on Aotea.

The first stage of the project will train and support workers to remove feral cats from a 4,500ha area around Te Paparahi, an important step in restoring the mauri of forest and enabling native wildlife to thrive.

The project requires fit workers keen to spend several days in the field on a rotational basis and able to operate safely and effectively while marking tracks and deploying field cameras and traps.

Tū Mai Taonga Interim Project Lead Makere Jenner said six mana whenua and wider Aotea community members had started on the project in the past few weeks and there was still a range of junior and senior roles to be filled. “We’re excited to provide opportunities for those wanting to work on a project that embraces Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea’s vision and tikanga.”

Tū Mai Taonga has received funding from Predator Free 2050 Limited and the Department of Conservation through the Jobs for Nature programme and Auckland Council, to create a long-term pathway for removing feral cats and rats from the island, helping protect biodiversity and allowing species that have been lost to be reintroduced.

The Auckland recruitment workshop will be held at St James Church, Mangere Bridge from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, November 5.

More information on the roles that are currently available here.

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